Visiting Ica &

Getting Around

Ica is located a bit west of the southcentralpart of Perujust south of Lima. Due to its great location and fertile valleys, it was suggested that it become the capital of the viceroyalty of Peru,but the conqueror Francisco Pizarro (in charge of the expedition) vetoed the idea.

At the present, Ica is mainly visited by road because so many intersecting asphalt roads connect Ica's maincities to the main cities of the rest of Peru. The most traveled north-south route is the Panamericana. The international airport of Pisco, Captain Renan Elias Olivera,will receive international and domestic flights when it is completed in 201 7. This will be a good alternative for those looking for a few sunny days before heading to the cold Andean lv1ountains to visit lv1achu Pichu. Some cruise companies stop here for one or two days as well.

lv1oving around Ica can be a challenge if you don't speak Spanish. It is hard to find people who speak English outside the main tourist areas such as Paracas, Nasca, and the Huacahina Oasis. Ica is a medium-size city which can be dangerous in some areas. It is important to hire safe means of transportation to get there and to move around within the city.

Visiting Ica by Plane


The Region of Ica has one internationalairport. The Captain Renan Elias Olivera Airport is located in the Province of Pisco, but it is under construction and it won't receive flights until 201 7. Also, the airdrome of Nasca is able to receive only small airplanes; it doesn't have the capacity to receive commercial flights.

Visiting Ica by Road & Getting Around


Ica receives visitors from all Peruvian regions and nearby countries; these visitors usually travel by bus or private transportation. Several companies offer transportation services but some of them are not as reliable as others. In Ica you will also be able to rent a car or hire the services of a private transfer. It is always better to hire these services in Lima because not all companies are reliable.

When looking for a bus company,the traveler needs to make sure that the company is safe and reliable. Also, it is important to know that there are several types of services and it is important to choose the one that best fits your needs. For instance, there are several companies that stop in unauthorized places to pick up clients. Not only is this unsafe,but it will also delay the tripconsiderably. Below is a list of bus companies which are known to offer good service:

  • Expreso Cruz del Sur: It provides different quality services, the most comfortable being the Cruzero service (bed-style seats) . A cheaper option is the Imperial service,which is next inquality and comfort. Cruz del Sur has offices inParacas at Calle lndependencia,lv1z. A,Lote 20,in Ica at the corner of Ave. Bolivar with Calle Ayabaca,and in Nasca at the corner of Streets Lima and San Martin.
  • Expreso Internacional Ormeño: It provides a bed-style seat service. Ormef\o has an office in Nasca at Los Incas 1 12.
  • Oltursa: It provides a bed-style seat service and a good price. Oltursa has offices in Paracas at the Hotel Double Tree Suites by Hilton at Lote 30 - 34,Urb. Santo Domingo, Ave. Paracas D-6,in Ica at Ave. Ayabaca 474,and in Nasca at Ave. Lima 155, Suite 3. From any of these destinations, the traveler can travel to and from Lima,Arequipa,or Cusco. (Puno isn't available.)
  • MovilTours: It provides different quality services, the most comfortable being the Premier service (bed-style seats) . Cheaper options are available. lv1ovilTours has an office in Nasca only at Calle Lima 155, Stand 4,TerminalTerrestre. It doesn't have offices inParacas or Ica. From Nasca you can travel to and from Cusco or Lima. (Arequipa and Puno aren't available.)

Distances & Average Driving Time driving from and to Lima


706 kilometers - 9 hours and 30 min


1119 kilometers - 14 hours and 30 min


482 kilometers - 6 hours and 30 min


1076 kilometers - 14 hours by road

Cusco (via Nasca)

799 kilometers - 14 hours by road


710 kilometers - 9 hours and 30 min

Lima (downtown)

308 kilometers - 4 hours by road


1472 kilometers - 19 hours by road


143 kilometers - 2 hours by road


72 kilometers - 1 hours by road

Puerto Maldonado (via Nasca)

1262 kilometers - 24 hours by road

Puno (via Arequipa)

1005 kilometers - 14 hours by road


987 kilometers - 13 hours by road


865 kilometers - 11 hours by road

Loremp Impsiom

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