Lima Weather,

Health & Safety

Lima Weather

The Region of Lima presents several climates but the most predominant one is an arid climate with a light drizzle from April to December and contradictorily with high levels of humidity (above 90%).

June to September is usually overcast, and January to April is sunny but the days can start out overcast with high levels of humidity as well.

This climate is typical in areas near the coastline and in the Provinces of Barranca, Huaura, Huaral, Lima, and Cañete.

In valleys located between 1,650 and 8,200 feet abover sea level (500 and 2,500 m.a.s.l.), the climate is usually semi-dry and temperate; however as the altitude decreases, the rain also decreases but the humidity increases throughout the year (this is due to its proximity to the coastline, which brings very high levels of humidity). In this area the temperature decreases as altitude is gained with temperatures between 22°C and 10°C throughout the year. This type of climate is typical of the valleys in the Provinces of Barranca, Huaura, Huaral, Lima, and Cañete.

In the Andean Mountains between 8,200 and 11,500 feet above sea level (2,500 and 3,500 m.a.s.l.), the climate is usually rainy from December to April (summer), dry from May to October, and throughout the year semi-frigid and humid. The temperature around midday can reach 15°C, but at night temperatures drop to 5°C or lower throughout the year. This climate is found in the Provinces of Cajatambo, Canta, Huaral, Huarochiri, Huaura, Oyon, and Yauyos.

In the Andean Mountains above 11,500 feet above sea level (3,500 m.a.s.l.), the climate is frigid and dry throughout the year with heavy rain from October to May and a high chance of snow. Around midday temperatures can go as high as 13°C, but at night temperatures can drop below 0°C throughout the year. This climate is typical in the Provinces of Cajatambo, Canta, Huarochiri, Oyon, and Yauyos.

Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

A weather forecast for Lima can be reviewed at the Weather Channel Site.

Lima Healthcare

Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

When traveling to a foreign country for the first time,it is important to know that an illness can ruin a vacation if precautions are not taken. In Peru, the main health issues for travelers are related to stomach infections due to the ingestion of contaminated food or liquids and altitude sickness in high-altitude cities such as the eastern Provinces of Lima. In the first case, foreign travelers are not accustomed to the bacteria in food and water particular to Peru, in which case it is easy to get an infection if precautions are not taken. In the second case, it is hard to know how a body is going to react in high altitudes, where there is less oxygen to breathe, but the illness can be prevented or its effects minimized.

Below are some suggestions to reduce the risk of getting a stomach infection:

  • Eat in a clean restaurant and recommended place. (Read reviews from fellow travelers about therestaurant intrustworthy sites) .Don't eat instreet food kiosks (unless the place is highly recommended by many fellow travelers) .
  • When drinking a fruit juice, ask if the water used is from a bottle or purified. (iAgua en botella en el jugo? or  Agua purificada en el jugo?)
  • Wash fruit and utensils to peelyour fruit with water from a bottle (no faucet unless it has a reliable filter) and then peel it.
  • Vegetables should always be cooked before eaten. Avoid raw vegetables. (If you must eat them,purchase a pre-washed bag of veggies and then wash them yourself with l liter of water from a bottle and a big glass of vinegar or another disinfectant (vinegar works as a disinfectant). Remember to clean all utensils in the same way before peeling or cutting your veggies or fruit.
  • Use water from a bottle to brush your teeth at all times.
  • Don't drink water from a faucet unless it has a reliable filter.

If symptoms of an infection are noted (constant diarrhea and/or vomiting), it is better to see a doctor immediately to get an antibiotic to kill the bacteria (bacteria should be confirmed through proper analysis) and make sure the body recovers as soon as possible to continue with the journey. Plenty of liquids should be drunk to keep the body hydrated. In two or three days after the ingestion of the first pill, the body will be recovered but the stomach will still be sensitive.

In the case of altitude sickness, the symptoms of the illness can be prevented or reduced by following the tips below:

  • Ask a doctor for medicine to prevent altitude sickness from happening and take it as advised.
  • If you forget to ask a doctor, buy altitude sickness medicine in a pharmacy in Peru (prescription is not needed) and start taking it as suggested by the pharmacy at least 48 hours before going to a high-altitude city and continue for two or three days once there.
  • Take it easy the first day; on the first and second days avoid alcohol and heavy (fatty) meals, and drink plenty of liquids (water preferably).
  • Hot Coca leaf tea should be drunk constantly. It helps to prevent altitude sickness and it helps with the symptoms. The leaf doesn't have the property of making people high and it is safe to drink the tea; however, if a drug test needs to be passed infour days, don't drink it. The locals drink hot Coca leaf tea to relieve stomachaches and altitude sickness. (Water should be boiled to kill bacteria) .
  • The ingestion of lemon soda can help with the vomiting symptoms.
Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

If the symptoms of altitude sickness are felt (headache, nausea, stomachache, extreme tiredness, and shortness of breath), it is better to just rest, avoid food, and drink plenty of liquids (coca leaf tea). If food is needed, a light soup with vegetables and potatoes is recommended. Usually, the next day the symptoms are gone or almost gone. Another solution is to go to a lower elevation.

Clinics in Peru are privately managed while hospitals are run by the Peruvian government. Prices in a clinic are considerably higher than in a hospital. Below is a list of hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies:

  • Emergency HospitalCasimiro Ulloa,Phone +51 12040900, Ave. Republica de Panama 6355, Miraflores District, Lima Province
  • Good Hope Clinic, Phone +51 16107302, Malecon Balta 956, Miraflores Distrct, Lima Province
  • Anglo Americana Clinic, Phone +51 1616890l, Alfredo Salazar 350, San Isidro District, Lima Province
  • Arcangel Pharmacy, Ave. Jose A. Larco 467, Miraflores District, Lima Province
  • lnkafarma Pharmacy, Ave. 28 de Julio 518, Miraflores District, Lima Province
  • Mifarma Pharmacy, Ave. Jose A. Larco 518, Miraflores District

Lima Safety

Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

When in Peru, travelers need to take the same precautions they would when in a big and crowded city. Robberies are common in Peru, but if precautions are taken, travelers should not have to deal with this. Below are some recommendations to avoid being the victim of a robbery.

  • When walking in the street, always hold your belongings and walk with a purpose, showing people you are not distracted.
  • Never leave your belongings unattended.This applies to restaurants, clubs, buses, taxis, and in general any public location.
  • Never take a taxi from the street (even if theylook professional). Always call a taxi company and make arrangements by phone or have your hotel staff get a cab for you.
  • In Downtown Lima, do not walk at night. During the day, it is better to stay inthe tourist areas (Main Square, San Francisco Church, Muralla Park, Jiron de la Union, San Martin Square). It is better to hire the services of a trustworthy tour guide.
  • Do not drink alcohol with strangers no matter how compelling the invitation.
  • Do not exchange foreign money in the streets. Exchange money in an establishment where you can count your money and look at the bills you are receiving. You can ask for a receipt in these places.
Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

Lima Weather, Health & Safety - My Peru Guide

Having credit cards or credit card numbers stolen is another issue for travelers. Below are some recommendations to avoid having your credit card or its number stolen:

  • Contact your credit card company and let them know that a trip to Peru will be made and provide dates. Ask them to request aphoneauthorization for expenses over a specific amount
  • When paying a bill with your credit card, do not let the store clerk take the card away from you.
  • When getting money from an ATM (even if the ATM is part of the bank facing the street), always verify that the cardholder doesn't have a device attached to retain your card. With your hand, try to pull the card holder of the ATM. If it looks good, go ahead and get money from the ATM. Remember to use ATMs inside of banks whenever possible.
  • Never let a person approach you while inn ATM ("No se acerque"). When cards are taken by the ATM, some people approach the traveler to "help" and in a moment of distraction, cards can be stolen.

Loremp Impsiom

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Nombres y Apellidos



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